Main Lounge, East House
This room accommodates 40 people comfortably. It can be furnished with tables and/or chairs. It also includes more comfortable seating options, a working wood fireplace, Wi-Fi, and TV with HDMI connection.
Neevel, West House
This room comfortably accommodates 25-40. It can be furnished with tables and/or chairs. The room has air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and a TV with HDMI connection.
Assembly Hall, West House
This room comfortably accommodates 120. It can be furnished with tables and/or chairs. The room has air conditioning and Wi-Fi.
Chapel, Mulder Chapel
This room accommodates 170 people. It is furnished with chairs and includes a piano and audio sound system with 1 wireless microphone.
Port Ewen, Mulder Chapel
This room accommodates 120 people comfortably. It can be furnished with tables and/or chairs. This room has access to the lower patio located behind the building.
St. Paul’s Chapel
Accommodates 30 for prayer and meditation. It is furnished with chairs.
Meeting Rooms, Collegiate Lodge
These rooms are located on either side of the Collegiate Lodge with the dining hall in the middle. They can be furnished with tables and chairs. The space is versatile and can be used for meeting space, worship, creative activities, and more.
Located at 62 Warwick Center Road, Warwick, New York. We are a facility of the Regional Synods of New York & Mid-Atlantics, Reformed Church in America.
Phone: 845-986-1164 ; Inquiries: kdunn@warwickconferencecenter.org